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Fi Darby Freelance

At Fi Darby Freelance we offer a bespoke blogging and copywriting service. We have over four years experience building our own successful blog-based business Two Blondes Walking and providing similar services to a global range of clients.

two blondes walking

“It has been a real pleasure to have Fi contributing to our blogging efforts. She has excellent writing skills, is comfortable working with WordPress and is a proficient social media user. The best part though, is that she comes up with blog ideas, pitches them and writes in in a very fast turnaround time. I would highly recommend her as a writing contributor to any team – a real pro and an utter joy to work with.”

Bridget Rooth, English Trackers

There are four reasons you should include a blog on your website:

To give potential customers a reason to visit your website

A blog should be informative and entertaining. If it is informative people will see you as an ‘expert’ and if it is entertaining they will visit for enjoyment. Both of these will lead greater exposure and sales potential.

To increase the chance of your website being seen in search results

The presence of regular blogs on your website will increase your SEO. It is a simple equation really, you want your website to appear on the first page of search results (usually Google) because people often don’t read the second page.

To establish yourself as a brand

When it comes to establishing a brand, the name of the game is recognition. Social media is a great way to do this but social media is limited in the amount of information it can communicate. A brand gains strength if it is open and shares its values. Customers who appreciate your blog will seek out your services.

To enhance customer relationships

This one is all about ownership. There is a reason we use the bank our parents used or buy our meat at our favourite farm shop; it is because we feel as though we have stake in their business and ‘know’ them. Developing a relationship with customers make them feel safe.

When starting Two Blondes Walking we quickly discovered that an open and entertaining approach encouraged a customer-business dialogue via both comment facilities and social media. In other words, our readerships trust us, they trust our products, they trust our services and they trust our advertising choices.

An effective blog post

A blog post is not like any other piece of writing. In order to fulfill all these requirements it needs to be:

  • Accurate
  • Succinct
  • Keyword related
  • Relevant
  • Informative
  • Entertaining

At Fi Darby Freelance, it is in exactly these areas that we excel. We love writing and we love writing well. Get in touch at to find out how we can help you with your blogging and web copy requirements.

About Fi Darby

Fi Darby is a Devon-based author and freelance writer with considerable blogging and social media experience. She is the manager of the popular outdoors blog Two Blondes Walking and has written and published three children’s books, which are available on Amazon.

Fi currently has web copy clients in the English Editing, Australian Education and Dartmoor Leisure sectors as well as writing for a wide range of casual clients.

Fi loves the written word and her work is often inspired by outdoor swimming and hill walking. Her latest word-adventure is her #OneWord campaign on Instagram. Fi is an Ordnance Survey GetOutside Champion.




