Recently I set myself a mission to find as many great Devon Businesses on Instagram as I could over a weekend.
Instead of trawling through Instagram and following endless amounts of Devon businesses I thought I would turn to you, the public, to recommend your favourite Devon business to me via an Instagram post on my @DevonPixels account.
There were two main reasons why I took this approach, one, it would help me find high quality, active Devon businesses on Instagram and secondly it would allow my post to be accessible to other local people to look through and connect with other local, like-minded accounts on Instagram.
I was amazed by the support local businesses had for each other, with well over 180 comments, each recommending four Devon Businesses on Instagram!
I am now a loyal follower of all those local businesses mentioned and it would be great if you could too :)
You can see the post below, you can click the picture to be taken to the post on Instagram and start following all the accounts mentioned. I know they would all really appreciate the support of a fellow Devonian follower.;)
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